What does tension have to do with creativity and why do I think it’s one of the most important concepts or principles in approaching floral artistry or any artistic endeavor for that matter? Well, inherent within tension there is a kind of contrasting dynamism at play. And therein lies a spark which is the quintessence of a creative act.
Differentiation, animation, pleasure, even harmony arise out of contrast. It’s where things like movement, form, sound, color, texture, depth, and tone collide. I think far too often we associate tension with a heightened form of discomfort; an unyielding and immovable force we painstakingly avoid. Yet, tension is merely a point in time and space. It’s what bookends the ‘pause’ or a ‘centerpiece’. It is what is expected prior to and right after slack tide. It is the breath we take after we’ve depleted one round of oxygen. It can be uncomfortable, but not always.
Contrasting tension is another way of experiencing a harmonic gesture. Pablo Casals hitting that one climactic note in Bach’s Cello Solo Nr.1. or a couple effortlessly dancing. One may lead and one may follow, yet it’s the tension that forms the bond. In order for the partners to dance in seamless unison they must resist the very magnetism they create. The crossover of communication is a force and it takes place in the space between.
Take this photograph for example. You have the beginnings of a solid structure fashioned out of rough masonry set amidst a soft verdant landscape. Though strikingly at odds I find the whole composition harmonious. The dichotomy of one rough, one soft, one made by the hands of craftsman, and the other by elements of time somehow balance out by the fact of being together.
Ignite, expand, evolve
For a moment consider the following opposites. They often work in tandem even without their opposing pair physically present. They exist in the realm of what’s both obvious and ephemeral. If something heavy permeates our reality the weight of it will want some kind of equalizer. That which is light may float just beyond awareness and in an intuitive flash present itself.
Contrasting tension is found everywhere, from artistic design to nature to social dynamics. It is the atmosphere of our lives. These commingling forces influence everything from the spaces we inhabit, the food we eat, the environment we live, our state of mind, even personal style.
Creativity is the process of sculpting our experiences out of forces that are perpetual.
Surely life and being human is the ultimate creative act. Is it not? It is a dance of responding, listening, and investigating these multi-dimensional relationships that exist between ourselves, others, source, and the earth. I’m terribly thankful for those willing to flirt with contrasting tension. It is how I would define curiosity. And seeing how I’m also extremely curious, I tend to pay attention and lean in.
Yours, Erin
What I Learn While Listening
I thought these art installations were another great example of this topic. It’s a great reminder how the creation of art, at times a colossal feet, is such a powerful and important component of life.
I’m forever in awe of those whose devotion to scale and spirit make this world more beautiful and interesting.
View the sound sculptures of artist Zimoun here - on website or via this Instagram post:
Swiss artist Zimoun creates sound sculptures which are immersive audio installations using industrial everyday materials like DC motors, wires, cardboard, ropes, wooden sticks, and plastic. They explore the intersection of sound and movement.
Site specific, his work uses the acoustics of a particular space to generate a meditative sensory experiences, where what you see is what you hear.
Zimoun's installations are minimalist yet kinetic, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the unique soundscapes he creates, being nowhere else but in the present moment. Stripping away digital distraction, the soundscapes offer viewers a pure tactile engagement with time and space.